RPM Predictions

We need your predictions to make the RPM (Recruiting Prediction Machine) work. “RPM predictions is not a guessing game with our staff. You should only make predictions on recruits you follow and have generally good insight on — and your audience knows that you follow these athletes.” – Shannon

Adding A Prediction

Go to db.on3.com/people to start. Here is an example:

  1. Search for an athlete (ie Caden Curry)
  2. Select the name from the list
  3. Go to the Football tab on his profile.


Crystal Ball (aka RPM)

Scroll down to the crystal ball section:

  1. Organization – start typing and then select the university when it shows
  2. Enter your confidence level
  3. Add a short description of why you are picking this
  4. Be sure to click the “Premium” box
  5. Click the ADD PREDICTION button

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